AF Part 1 (Written)

Education Requirement

Applicants must be licensed dentists who have completed at least 300 hours of postdoctoral or continuing education in implant dentistry within the past twelve (12) years that included at least one course with a participatory format. For exam dates after September 1, 2019, 75 hours must be participatory format. The 300 hours must be divided between the sciences related to implant dentistry and clinical implantology.  

Graduation from a full-time implant dentistry, periodontal, oral and maxillofacial surgery, or prosthodontics program (of at least one year) fulfills the educational requirement for either the Associate Fellow (300 hours) or Fellow (400 hours) examination.

 Applicants must be licensed dentists who have completed at least 300 hours of postdoctoral or continuing education in implant dentistry within the past twelve (12) years that included at least 75 hours with a participatory format. 

 PARTICIPATION/HANDS-ON COURSE: A presentation intended to teach a particular subject, technique or skill that actively involves the audience. Participants will actively manipulate dental materials and/or devices, or practice clinical skills or techniques under the live or electronically-mediated supervision of a qualified instructor. When live patient treatment is involved, live instructor direct supervision is required. The participation activities must represent a minimum of 30% of total course time, and must directly address the educational objectives of the course and be an extension and amplification of the lecture portion of the course. 

Applicants who completed non-AAID courses must submit verification of attendance for each course listed on the application. An AGD transcript is acceptable as verification. Applicants who have completed an AAID MaxiCourse® must indicate the start and end dates of the program, name of the program, the non-AAID sponsoring organization, total number of hours, and MaxiCourse®  director's name. 

Accepted subjects for Science


Bone Physiology

Dental Materials



Internal Medicine




Accepted subjects for Clinical Implantology



Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery



Implant Modalities including 

Root- Form, Plate- Form, Subperiosteal, and Ramus Frame Implants

Applicants must be licensed dentists who have completed at least 300 hours of postdoctoral or continuing education in implant dentistry within the past twelve (12) years that included at least 75 hours with a participatory format. 

PARTICIPATION/HANDS-ON COURSE: A presentation intended to teach a particular subject, technique or skill that actively involves the audience. Participants will actively manipulate dental materials and/or devices, or practice clinical skills or techniques under the live or electronically-mediated supervision of a qualified instructor. When live patient treatment is involved, live instructor direct supervision is required. The participation activities must represent a minimum of 30% of total course time, and must directly address the educational objectives of the course and be an extension and amplification of the lecture portion of the course. 

Image of a pencil filling in a multiple choice test.Applying for the Written Exam

Applications for Part 1 (written) of the examination and the application fee must be received in the AAID Headquarters Office by the deadline specified for the examination that you wish to take. The application fee is non-refundable. All payments must be in U. S. dollars; make checks payable to the AAID. 

PART 1: Written Exam Application

Choosing an Exam Date

Image of finger pointing at something.Part 1 of the examination is administered via computer. You will need to have an internet capable computer and a cellular device for the examination. Candidates will receive an email from the testing vendor and be able to schedule their exam. Please see the testing website for more information on the examination process. See the examination schedule for the dates, locations, and the deadlines by which the application and the application fee are due. Exams MUST be rescheduled at least 48 hours before the candidate's appointment to avoid a $50 fee. Candidate's who do not show for their exam time will be charged a $50 no-show fee.

What's on the Written Exam?

Image of a stack of books.The written portion of the Associate Fellow examination includes 150 multiple-choice items. Each test item is a question, a statement or an incomplete statement followed by four possible answers. The candidate selects the best answer. A candidate’s score is based on the number of correct answers entered on his or her answer sheet. Four (4) hours are allotted for the written examination.

The 150 items on the examination are distributed among four categories. These categories, the percentage of items assigned to each category, and the topics within the categories are listed below.

Basic Science (20%)

1. Anatomy
2. Biomaterials
3. Pharmacology
4. Physiology

Diagnostic Examinations  (21%)

1. Medical History and Tests
2. Dental History and Oral Examinations
3. Radiology
4. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Implant Prosthetics (19%)

1. Biomaterials
2. Biomechanics
3. Components
4. Techniques

Implant Surgery (40%) 

1. Presurgical Considerations
2. Endosseous Implants
3. Surgical Techniques
4. Augmentations and Membranes
5. Postoperative and Maintenance Care
    Root Form Implants
    Other Implant Modalities: Blades,
    Subperiosteal, Transosteal, Ramus Frame

Additional Resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Study Guide