Exam Code of Conduct

All test materials are the property of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. The exam is securely delivered. The AAID reserves the right to review and pursue additional investigation against any reported irregularities. In the event of any irregularities – including failure to abide by proctor instructions and rules, tampering with the computer or software, attempting to or being suspected of cheating – appropriate action will be taken. This may include disqualification or invalidation of your exam results.  

The AAID reserves the right to investigate, suspend, and/or terminate a candidate’s examination for any of the irregular behaviors below (though not limited to these):

  • Obstructing the proctor’s duty throughout the process or failure to follow proctor instructions.  
  • The examination is given in English unless you have requested an interpreter. Candidates are not permitted to use any translation devices during the examination.  
  • Additional electronic devices not being used for the exam are strictly prohibited (additional cellular phones, hand-held tablets, smart watches, etc.).
  • Extraneous items such as purses, hats, bags, coats, books, and notes are not allowed during the examination.  
  • You will need a fully charged cellular device for the video capabilities, but it cannot be accessed for anything other than the recording capability during the examination. 
  • Eating, drinking, smoking is not allowed during the test. 
  • Seeking unauthorized assistance during the exam is prohibited.
  • Visitors, children, spouses, family, or friends ARE NOT allowed during the test.  
  • You may not disclose, copy, or reproduce any portion of the material contained in the examination.