Member-Only Resources

AAID membership comes with its perks! Once you join, you’ll have access to a myriad of benefits available only to members of AAID. 

AAID Implant Institute

Last year, the AAID unveiled the AAID Implant Institute, the leading provider of e-learning courses in oral implantology. Designed to meet your evolving educational needs, Implant Institute brings together content from every level – from courses for dentists with little-to-no experience with dental implants, to expert-level education – all in one place. New events will be added regularly and members receive a discount!


Business and Patient Resources

Download free business and patient education content including employee and patient release form templates, animated patient education videos, and print-ready brochures for your practice.

Members in good standing also have access to the AAID Member logo for use in their practices.

Consumer Outreach

A portion of all AAID member dues go to support year-round consumer education and professional advocacy programs. is a consumer-facing website with more than 6,000 unique users visiting each month. The site features interactive quizzes, addresses frequently asked questions, and even puts patients directly in touch with AAID-credentialed dentists. 

Discounted Event Registration

AAID Annual Conferences and District Meetings are highlights of the year for members. As a member, you have access to discounted event registration and member-only events. Event highlights include:

  • Opportunities for lecture and hands-on CE
  • Networking opportunities with the best and brightest in oral implantology
  • Fantastic locations and venues

Find an Implant Dentist

AAID members who have earned their Associate Fellow or Fellow credential (learn more) are included in the Find an Implant Dentist tool on the consumer-facing site. More than 30,000 searches are made each year, connecting you with new patients. 

Journal of Oral Implantology

The official publication of the AAID, the Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI) is consistently voted the most valuable member benefit provided by the AAID. The JOI is a bi-monthly, reputable, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to providing valuable information to general dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, prosthodontists, and others interested in the field of implant dentistry. AAID members receive a subscription to the printed magazine and digital access to its archives. 


AAID News is a quarterly magazine published and mailed exclusively to AAID members. Each issue features content that highlights a timely clinical case, provides insight on how to build your practice,spotlights AAID members in the news, and much more!

Thought Leadership Opportunities

AAID members have the opportunity to showcase their thought leadership in a number of ways. Members can submit articles for AAID News and blog posts for Life Smiles, be guests on the AAID Podcast, and act as sources for the press. 

Legal Support for Specialty Recognition 

Implant dentistry is not currently recognized nationwide as a specialty. The AAID is working tirelessly at the state and national level to change this. The AAID has already won legal victories for specialty status  and continues to advocate for implant dentistry as specialty field of dentistry.